Custom Audio Visual Cases: Crescent Event Productions


Nationwide Case provides top-of-the-line cases for the audio visual industry. We take great pride in getting to provide roadcases for awesome partners of our rental business. One company that we’ve provided cases for is Crescent Event Productions out of Charlotte, NC.  They are an audiovisual company that’s as relentless about relationships as they are about technology. Their clients hire them because of their capabilities but work with them year after year because they provide exceptional service—from the moment they have their first call until the last attendee leaves (and beyond).

We spoke with Chris Gerhart, president of Crescent Event Productions, about his experience using Nationwide Case and how that has helped in his business operations.

NW: Can you tell us a little bit about your company and the type of work you do?

CG: At Crescent Event Productions, we provide Audio/Visual production services for live events. We are highly selective about the clients we work with, believing that the right fit is essential for fostering strong relationships. This selectivity allows us to craft impactful, tailored work while gaining a deep understanding of our clients’ vision, goals, and challenges, while also building meaningful connections with them.


NW: Can you give us some background on how you started working with Nationwide Video as a wholesale rental partner?

CG: Totally! We were looking for higher-quality equipment to subrent when our inventory was spread too thin for all of our events. We always want to provide our clients with the highest quality show possible so in certain instances, it makes sense for us to bring in top-tier equipment. Additionally, while searching for a wholesale rental partner, we were also looking for a partner who had relationships with the equipment manufacturers. This way, we could leverage those relationships to purchase gear when it came time to do so. As we rented gear from Nationwide more and more often and saw how well it merged with our inventory, it was nice to know we could purchase it directly from Nationwide Video since they’re authorized resellers for a lot of the gear they own.


NW: Where had you been getting your cases from before you started getting cases through Nationwide Case?

CG: We had used a variety of companies… some local and some national. It really just depended on the need and timing; however, their workmanship and turn around times weren’t as consistent as we needed. We work in a fast-paced industry where setbacks can cost us time, money, and even valuable customers. We kept searching until we found a company that we could rely on. That’s when we found Nationwide Case.

NW: Were there any shortcomings that other companies had that you were looking to improve on with Nationwide Case?

CG: Yeah, mostly in communication and turn around times. The other area in which things have improved since working with NW Case has been seeing CAD drawings of the cases prior to them being built. That has been helpful so we could ensure that we were all talking about the same design, especially for some of our more unique case builds. It’s nice to be able to confirm the outcome before we give the go-ahead on any wood being cut.


NW: Can you speak to your experience with the cases you got from Nationwide Case? How is the build quality, durability, design, etc.

CG: Our experience has been all top-notch! From communication, to design, to pricing, to turn around time, etc… we’re really happy with the build quality and durability of the cases we’re getting.  We know that not every build goes perfectly—as we have experienced with every case company we’ve worked with. A real benefit of working with Nationwide Case is that our issues are rectified so quickly that it has never set us back. The reality is that “things happen” and what’s important is how you respond to them, and NW Case has taken great care of us and been very communicative in those moments, and ever since!


NW: What products have you gotten cases for?

We’ve gotten cases for a lot of our new gear through Nationwide Case. We’ve done cases for Panasonic PT-RZ17KU projectors and associated lensing, Christie M 4K25 projectors, as well as some ClearCom Freespeak II. We’re very satisfied with all the cases we’ve had built by Nationwide Case!

To learn more about Crescent Event Productions, check them out here!

If you would like to get started on a custom case order from Nationwide Case, visit our website here.

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