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Equipment Managers Get Cases Made For You.

Nationwide Case designs and builds cases to support your teams needs on and off the field.

Value Proposition

Make Nationwide Case Part of the Team

All of our efforts go into building cases that lead the field in protecting, storing and shipping your equipment.  Custom Cases designed to meet the specific needs of your coaches, players, trainers, equipment managers and more…

WHAt makes nationwide cases right?

Designed to your spec

Nationwide Case custom makes cases to fit your needs.  We make cases that fit your equipment, so you don’t have to make your equipment fit a case.  It’s about meeting your needs, not about making your needs fit the case.

What makes Nationwide case right?


Does your case spec require special equipment built into the design?  We’ve got you covered.  We can install UVC lighting to sanitize equipment, power supplies, fans, drying systems.  Not a problem with Nationwide Case.  We’re team players who know case building is a game of inches.

nationwide ata case zipper background

Let’s get started

Let’s discuss your case needs. So we can protect the team’s equipment.